How to Shoot a Reportage eBook

Enzo Dal Verme, a well travelled photographer, has written a structured and inspiring manual on photography reportage.

It is mainly aimed at those photographers who want to enter the publishing market and produce quality photos that editors are likely to buy.

His manual “How To Shoot A Reportage” covers a variety of topics designed to help photographers to create impactful images with an eye to the publishing market. There are about 70 pages in the ebook with lots of illustrations (Enzo's own images).

Even professional photographers will find some useful tricks for their next shooting trip.

You need to produce a story with hot subjects. It will be helpful if you get inspired by the subject and do some research prior to the shooting. Try to choose a unique theme that can easily be sold to editors. If the story you have in mind is too complicated to do at the moment, put it in your wish list for a future job. These are some of the topics that Enzo covers in his ebook. It also explains the technical stuff: travel preparations, photo gear, photography tips, scheduling your shoot, delivering your work, etc. What I like about this book is that it is so well structured and it answers almost all questions I used to have.

Read more about this ebook and purchase it here: [It is not an affiliate link]

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