Top 10 Tips for Digital Photographers

Rick Sammon shares very useful tips that help you make better photographs. Tips like:

  1. Learn how to see the light, the light quality, the shadows and highlights learn how to use the exposure compensation to set the correct exposure;

  2. Try to create a sense of depth and dimension in your images (choose the right composition);

  3. Take a hike/walk when on location to find the best angle, view;

  4. Always look down, up and back;

  5. Aim at telling the whole story by taking wide angle shots, medium shots, vertical and horizontal shots (shoot closer and look for details);

  6. Frame your photo;

  7. Beware of background, it can break your picture;

  8. Fill the frame;

  9. Shoot in RAW and you will have much more flexibility in post processing of your image;

  10. Envision the end result, try to foresee what you will do with the photo in post processing.

All rules are not fixed and they are meant to be broken if it serves your plan.

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